IRIX Base Documentation 1998 November
IRIX 6.5.2 Base Documentation November 1998.img
Text File
199 lines
imagetools - overview of Haeberli image tools
Here's a brief description of the Haeberli tools in eoe.sw.imagetools.
See the individual manual pages for details.
abs - get the absolute value of an image
add - add two images together
addborder - surround an image with a border image
addframe - add a border to an image
addnoise - add noise to an image
assemble - assemble an array of smaller images
blend - linearly interpolate two images
blur - low pass filter an image
btree - display an image using binary tree ordering
cglue - create an rgb image out of 3 black and white images
conimg - (replaces nullimg) creates a constant (single) color image
convolve - convolve an input image with a kernel image
cscale - individually scale the R G B channels of an image
cycol - display a pallete of colors
dotgen - make an image of two crossed sinusoidal wave patterns
duotone - create a duotone image from a single channel image
fieldmerge - merge two field images into one frame
fitimg - uniformly scale an image to a specific size
fromalias - convert an Alias image to an IRIS image
frombin - convert a binary dump of image data to an IRIS image
fromcmap - convert a color map into an image with one scanline
fromcube - convert a Cubicomp/Vertigo image file to IRIS format
fromdi - convert an old SGI .di dithered image into an IRIS image
fromface - convert a UNIX faceserver image to IRIS format
fromgif - convert a Compuserve GIF image to IRIS format
frommac - convert a MacPaint image to IRIS format
frompic - convert a MOVIE BYU .PIC image to IRIS format
fromppm - convert a PPM file to IRIS format
fromrla - convert a Wavefront image to an IRIS image
fromsun - convert a sun rasterfile image to IRIS format
fromtarga - convert a targa image into an IRIS image
fromxbm - convert an X Bitmap image to IRIS format
fromxwd - convert an xwd file to IRIS format
fromyuv - convert an Abekas yuv image to IRIS format
gammawarp - lighten or darken an image
gendit - perform general image dithering
greyscale - make 19 different image patterns
halftone - half-tone an image, using Hollaway's technique
hipass3 - high pass filter an image using a 3x3 filter kernel
histeq - perform histogram equalize an image file
iavg - average a set of images
iblend - blend 2 images using a (bw) mat
iflip - flip an image
imean - finds the average pixel value of an image
imgsize - print the xsize, ysize, and zsize of an image
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imgwrap - shift pixels left one bit
invert - invert an image
iroll - rotationally roll an image in x and y directions
iset - set type (NORMAL,DITHERED,SCREEN,COLORMAP) of an image
izoom - magnify or minify a picture with or without filtering
loadmap - loads a colormap stored in a file
mapimg - translates a screen image into an RGB image
max - calculate the max of two images
min - calculate the minimum of two images
mousemon - display state of mouse buttons
movie - show a series of images as a movie
mult - multiply two images
noblack - remove all the black from an image
nullimg - make a black image file
oneband - get a single band (or channel) of an image
over - put one image on top of another
palette - display a palette of colors in the colormap
perhist - determine the percentage histogram of an image file
postcard - make an image look like a postcard
quant - quantify an image to have n levels
randimg - generate a random noise image
rectimg - display a color or BW image on the iris
repcolor - replace specified colors within an image
rle - force an image to be stored using run length encoding
saturate - increase of decrease an image's saturation level
scope - explore/view an image of any size
setlum - modifies the luminance (brightness) on an image
shear - shear an image diagonally
slide - zoom an image up for full screen display
sub - subtract two images
subimg - extract a sub-region from an image into a new image file
thresh - threshold one image with another using a threshimage
tile - repeat an image in two dimensions
toalias - convert an IRIS image to an Alias image
toascii - use text characters to represent an IRIS image
tobin - convert an IRIS image to a binary dump of pixel data
tobw - convert an IRIS color image to black and white
togif - convert an IRIS image to a Compuserve GIF image
tomac - convert an IRIS image to MacPaint format
topict - convert an IRIS image to Macintosh PICT format
toppm - convert an IRIS image to Jef Poskanzer's ppm format
tops - convert an IRIS image to PostScript format
toscitex - convert IRIS images into Scitex CT2T images
tosun - convert an IRIS image to a sun raster file
totarga - convert an IRIS image to a type 2 (RGB) targa image
toyuv - convert an IRIS image to yuv format
verbatim - force an IRIS image to be stored in verbatim format
vhist - display a 3-D volume histogram of a color image
vis - copy the bytes of a file to the screen
xzoom - magnify or minify an image in the x direction
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imgcopy(1), imginfo(1), imgformats(1), imgview(1), imgworks(1), il(1),
bgpaste(6D), cedit(6D), colorbars(6D), gamcal(6D), gamma(6D), grid(6D),
hist(6D), imgexp(6D), interp(6D), istat(6D), mag(6D), scrsave(6D),
showmap(6D), snapshot(6D), tonews(6D)
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